Gaming - The New Era of Entertainment

Written by Chris Baxter
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Entertainment is a forever-changing industry. Sure, the currency of the industry is people’s attention, but the way in which that attention is captured is forever changing – evolving even!

The audience base continues to grow as entertainment becomes more accessible on mobile devices and more, as well as the growing population becomes more capable of utilizing technology to its fullest extent. Online entertainment, specifically online gaming, is becoming an endless sea of opportunity as technology continues to improve, with Find Betting Sites reporting that 37% of all men in the US own a console.

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Virtual Reality
Even a few years ago if you asked the average gamer what virtual reality was, they would have most likely answered with confusion; in fact, it sounds like some funny science fiction concept or something out of a movie. But today’s industry leaders like Oculus and Valve are creating virtual reality… into a reality. Year after year, the virtual gaming space is seeing cheaper and cheaper headset options come onto the market, as well as more technologically complex and capable headsets, allowing for gamers to experience a gaming experience that blurs the lines between fantasy and reality. Virtual reality is becoming more accessible and pushes gamers into a world of their own, this development will surely pick up over the next few years.

Virtual reality also offers non-gamers a 360 space for different adventures, and in general, is used for purposes other than gaming. Online house tours, movie watching, and theme park rides all utilize the virtual reality experience to offer unrivalled entertainment.

Cloud Gaming
Cloud gaming takes gaming to a whole new level for anyone with an internet connection. Rather than playing games from their PC or from their console, cloud gaming offers gamers the opportunity to stream the games that they’re playing from ‘the cloud’, such that their console of PC specifications are no longer a limiting factor in the types of games that they can play. Instead, gamers can take advantage of their fast and reliable internet connection, which is of course much cheaper than a console or a gaming PC.

Real-Time Personalization
Games and applications can utilize technology and algorithms to best generate content that would be a customized fit for each individual gamer, based on their in-game behaviour and whichever player data has been collected. This feature is seen in all social media apps, especially Tik Tok, wherein users simple continually swipe through short videos and content, which is generated on the spot for the viewer, based on the content they interact with, such as how long they view a video of a certain category, whether they engaged with it, or if they shared it to friends. In gaming, this kind of quick real-time personalization is not yet seen by and large but can be seen in the kinds of opponents and players you come across.

In Conclusion
The new era of entertainment brings forth developing technology, implementation of user behaviour analytics, and completely new opportunities for how users experience their games, as well as consume online content in general. This also provides opportunities for big businesses and advertisers to optimize and increase viewer engagement, not only in their raw numbers but also in terms of how users engage with games. Games and entertainment have come a long way, specifically from tabletops to virtual reality, and how individuals play games is changing with the times and technology available. Moreover, how developers build their games and then drive user engagement is also changing and developing. It is estimated that the online gaming industry will be worth around $200 billion in 2022, but the trends which shape this industry are already becoming vividly apparent.

Figures and imagery are taken from


Read 2618 times Last modified on Friday, 09 July 2021 09:18
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Chris Baxter

Chris Baxter

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