Culture (71)

Monday, 20 May 2024 19:40

The Surprising Origins Behind Your Favourite Games

Written by Bob Rogers

Gaming is one of the most popular sectors in entertainment today. Now that video games are truly mainstream, some of the most popular franchises have led to live-action and animated remakes on the silver screen.

Thursday, 14 March 2024 10:54

Find The Best Online Casinos in Ireland for your Desired Requirements

Written by Bob Rogers

Finding a quality online casino in Ireland is considerably harder than most people suspect. If you have searched yourself, you will already know this to be the case.

Wednesday, 08 March 2023 18:16

The Ultimate Video Game Soundtracks from the Last Decade

Written by Chris Baxter

It's no secret that a great video game is only made even better by a brilliant soundtrack. Whether it's to add a little excitement to intense scenes or keep you entertained during moments of buffering, a great song can make all the difference to the game-playing experience.

Monday, 05 September 2022 08:16

Best Tips for Casino Site Beginners in 2022

Written by Ian Park

New online casino players face several important questions. How do you find a good casino? What games should you play? How much money do you need?

Thursday, 11 August 2022 09:03

From Table to Tablet: The Evolution of Gaming

Written by Ian Park

From the very first table game (the two-player race game The Royal Game of Ur, which was played in Ancient Mesopotamia in around 2,600 BC), gaming has evolved incredibly over the years.

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About Us

ZANI was conceived in late 2008 and the fan base gradually grew by word of mouth. Key contributors came from those of the music, film and fashion industry and the voice of ZANI grew louder. So, when in 2013 investor, contributor and fan of ZANI Alan McGee* offered his support to help restyle and relaunch the site it was inevitable that traffic would increase dramatically and continues to grow. *Alan McGee co-founder of Creation Records and new label 359 Music..


What We Do

ZANI is an independent online magazine for readers interested in contemporary culture, covering Music, Film & TV, Sport, Art amongst other cultural topics. Relevant to modern times ZANI is a dynamic website and a flagship for creative movement and thinking wherever our readers live in the world.