The Best Casino Games to Try Out for All Players

Written by Bob Rogers
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Casino gaming is an activity that is definitely on the rise, although the digital age has seen land-based casinos supplanted by internet ones.

The new breed of gamers that are behind the boom in casino are playing these games online using either a PC or a mobile device.

That is true of many activities, but casino gaming has adapted particularly well to the disruptive effects of the internet, with the phenomenal growth of the industry testifying to that. That growth means that new casinos and innovative game variants are emerging all of the time to capitalise on it.

Here is a list of the games that must be played, whether you are an experienced casino player or someone trying it out for the very first time.

1. Blackjack

Blackjack has been a top ranked table game at casinos for decades now and it is unlikely that its popularity among players will wane any time soon. It is a very exciting card game that sees the player go up against the dealer one-on-one, but it is also simpler to master than some of the other casino card games.

Most casinos also let you get into a game of blackjack with a hand as low as $5, so it is among the most accessible games for those who do not have a huge bankroll.

• How to play blackjack

The basic point of blackjack is to build a hand of cards that totals 21 or as near to it as possible, while managing to avoid a bust. Going bust in blackjack happens if the player ends up with a hand of cards that adds up to more than 21.

In terms of scoring, number cards amount to their numbers, while the king, queen and jack count for 10 each. Aces can be scored either 11 or 1, so this is a fairly simple but pulsating game.

2. Slots

Slots are the most popular online casino games of all and that is because they are the easiest to learn how to play as well being fast and fun-packed. The modern day online slots are also much more interesting than old-fashioned fruit machines, with a variety of themed games to choose from.

Almost every hit movie franchise has at least one spin-off slot, most of which also feature clips from these films during the game. Slots are also another very cheap casino game to play, as most allow players to bet with very small coins.

• How to play slots

There is no real knowledge or strategy needed to start playing online slots. Nothing much the player can do will affect whether they get a matching line of reel icons and a payout or not.

The key thing that players should bear in mind is that the return-to-player (RTP) percentage indicates how often a slot pays out. Picking one with a high RTP is therefore a good move.

Slots are meant to be fun as well though, so this should always be combined with a title that offers good graphics and interesting bonus rounds.

3. Roulette

This is another game that is basically about chance instead of strategy or skill. For that reason, it is second to the slots as the type of casino game that new players opt for most often.

Roulette is a fantastic game to play for more experienced players too though. It offers a range of different betting options that can increase the winning chances as well as the risk involved.

That makes it one of the most thrilling casino games for all players.

• How to play roulette

Roulette features a wheel with black and red colored compartments and numbers, with the bets being placed on the table next to it. The simplest wager is a 50/50 one where the player just bets on any red number or any black one. There is a strong chance of winning playing that way, but win amounts are smaller.

An alternative 50/50 bet sees the player gamble on any odd number or even one. A much riskier but potentially more lucrative betting option involves the player choosing one single number on either red or black.

4. Video poker

Poker is quite a complex game to grasp and most forms of it will be suitable for skilled, experienced players but not those new to the game. The exception to that is video poker, which can be enjoyed by anyone.

The key difference with video poker is that it is just one player up against an automated dealer, rather than multiple players. That means psychological strategies like bluffing are not necessary for success and a new player is less liable to feel intimidated.

Video poker is also much faster moving than traditional poker games.


Read 2740 times Last modified on Thursday, 07 April 2022 11:30
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Bob Rogers

Bob Rogers

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