21 Top Tips for Playing 21

Written by Andrew Macfarlane
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It’s more than likely that you’ve heard of the game Blackjack, and perhaps you’ve even mastered your techniques and know exactly how to channel your luck when it comes to beating the dealer, in this popular card game.

But, if you’re just starting out, or are wondering how to improve your gameplay before you venture out to the tables in a brick-and-mortar casino – or load up the immersive casino at Paddy Power games, then we’re here to help.

Read on to find out our 21 top tips for becoming a master of 21.Learn the basics

There is nothing more important than learning how to play the basic Blackjack strategy before you stand around the table with the pros. Develop your own skill and confidence before you start.

1. Learn the basics
There is nothing more important than learning how to play the basic Blackjack strategy before you stand around the table with the pros. Develop your own skill and confidence before you start.

2. Never play a game that pays 6:5
A single deck game of Blackjack pays only 6:5. It’s far better to play an eight-deck game that pays the full 3:2.

3. However, the fewer decks – the better
Whilst we don’t recommend playing with just one deck, some tables play with lots of decks mixed together to prevent professional card counters. When just starting out – it’s better to find a game with less decks so you can keep track of gameplay a little easier.

4. Keep an eye on your bankroll
Always play within your budget and only bet what you are willing to lose.

5. Don’t use progressive betting systems
Systems such as The Martingale are designed for you to double the size of your bet when you lose – at some point a losing streak may hit and you will lose everything you’ve won, and more.

6. Playing lower stakes doesn’t always mean you will lose less over time
Depending on the table, it’s worth checking how much of a loss per hand you could face if you lose.

7. Don’t take insurance
Using a card counting system as insurance is only a good idea if you’re already an advanced player.

8. A dealer showing five or six is more likely to make a hand, than a bust
Don’t worry about doubling your seven or less because the dealer’s showing a five or a six. You may get a small card and want to take another hit.

9. Don’t make bets based on emotion or instincts
It’s best to plan ahead what your strategy will be – how much you are willing to bet and how you will play – you’ll be thankful in the end.

10. Play the hand, not the money
It’s easy to panic when there’s more money involved. Play as you would if it didn’t matter, so that all your tactics stay on the table.

11. Never go all in
Always leave yourself enough money to double or split your hand.

12. A losing table won’t necessarily stay a losing table, and vice versa
If a table has been winning or losing previous to your game, that will have no effect on future gameplay.

13. Split a hand into two Aces
This will increase your chances of landing a solid – maybe even winning – hand.

14. There is no such thing as a winning streak
If you win a few times in a row, do not increase your bets as continuation of your luck is not guaranteed.

15. Use a strategy card
Strategy cards are available to you at any land-based casino. Refer to it to make sure you are making the right decision on every hand dealt to you.

16. Ignore the other players
Blackjack is not a team game. Focus on yourself and your own hand and methods.

17. Play on a busy table
This will reduce the number of hands you play per hour, and decrease the amount you are paying out within a certain amount of time.

18. Avoid splitting tens
You’ve hit a hand of 20 – don’t break it into two separate hands and two separate bets.

19. Watch your drink
Alcoholic drinks are free at many casinos for players – this could cloud your judgement and lead you to spending more than you would’ve liked.

20. Try it online
To boost your confidence, and maybe even your bankroll, why not try playing Blackjack online before stepping foot in a big casino with bright lights and poker-faces.

21. Set goals
Lastly, it can be good to set yourself specific goals for how much you are willing to bet (or lose) during the session. Don’t bet your winnings – keep these separate so you don’t leave disappointed.

Read 2772 times Last modified on Sunday, 17 October 2021 14:52
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Andrew Macfarlane

Andrew Macfarlane

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