Film (38)
On the evening of 8th November 1970, BBC 2, three maverick characters were unleashed to the British viewing public, The Goodies.
Jurassic World: Dominion is Officially Ready, Director Confirms
Written by Chris BaxterColin Trevorrow, Jurassic World: Dominion director, claims that the movie has finally been completed after a lengthy process due to the coronavirus pandemic. This movie is the third, and most likely, the final installment of the Jurassic World franchise.
Roman Tales – A Slice of Life Drama – Italian Style
Written by Matteo SedazzariFour Legendary Films about Gambling You Need to Watch
Written by Chris BaxterGambling has always attracted many people. There is something magical about it - about risk, luck, and opportunity to win a decent income.
Current State of Cultural Industry- It’s in Crisis
Written by Chris Baxter