Sport (43)

Wednesday, 26 August 2020 09:17

Premier League Fixtures For Next Season Have Arrived! Everything You Need To Know!

Written by Chris Baxter

As a football fan, you have probably been waiting for the brand-new fixtures for the upcoming Premier League for a while now since Liverpool clinched the victory last season with 7 games in hand. But with the European championship also being played, this is the year of football on a national and international level. In this article,

Friday, 22 May 2020 14:52

Arsene Wenger: How Le Professeur Changed English Football

Written by Chris Baxter

numbers-based route Prior to Arsene Wenger’s arrival in North London back in 1996, the outlook of English football was significantly different from what supporters have become accustomed to in contemporary society. During a period of transition, the Frenchman proved to be a pivotal figure in raising the standards of top-flight football in England.

Thursday, 09 April 2020 11:12

The Sardinian Fairy Tale - (Il Favola Sarda)

Written by Paolo Sedazzari

50 years ago, on the 12th April 1970, a seismic event happened in the world of Italian football. A party broke out on the beach bars along the Poetto, cars sped around deliriously honcking their horns, people jumped into fountains. At the end of every football season there are similar celebrations, but this was different – this was Cagliari.

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About Us

ZANI was conceived in late 2008 and the fan base gradually grew by word of mouth. Key contributors came from those of the music, film and fashion industry and the voice of ZANI grew louder. So, when in 2013 investor, contributor and fan of ZANI Alan McGee* offered his support to help restyle and relaunch the site it was inevitable that traffic would increase dramatically and continues to grow. *Alan McGee co-founder of Creation Records and new label 359 Music..


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ZANI is an independent online magazine for readers interested in contemporary culture, covering Music, Film & TV, Sport, Art amongst other cultural topics. Relevant to modern times ZANI is a dynamic website and a flagship for creative movement and thinking wherever our readers live in the world.